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Despite statements from Biden and other progressives, profits in a market economy are not a form of plunder. Instead, they represent entrepreneurial gains that...


Government officials like to claim they are doing something about reducing poverty. The trouble is, of course, that what they are doing makes things...


F.A. Hayek coined the term spontaneous order to point out that the prosperous societies are also societies where people are free to pursue their...


A strategy for liberty must be both optimistic and realistic. Murray Rothbard understood that important point and laid out strategies and their moral justification.


Will the commercial real estate market become a casualty of the Federal Reserve’s tsunamic monetary and interest rate policy?


The decades of American and European intervention in Africa are coming to an end, and things are even worse for American interests there. Perhaps...


What are property rights and how do we define them? The late Butler Schaffer argued that they come from natural rights and our “will...


The Fed doesn’t want to admit that new federal debt is significantly higher than private sector demand, and the Fed is more concerned about...


Despite the accusations that Javier Milei is a fascist in libertarian clothes, many of his reforms have been successful in reversing some of the...


Somalia is an artificial country that was created by European intervention. Somaliland, however, is an entity that should be recognized as a real nation.


State-provided gratuitousness is not only sterile but positively harmful, the exact opposite of the gratuitous goods provided by free and responsible citizens. The truth...


Libertarians should welcome these protests. They bring back memories of the Vietnam War student protests that participated in, brought down the war-criminal LBJ.

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