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Millions of American “evangelical” Christians have been convinced they must be worshipful of Israeli politicians and bureaucrats. Hence the spectacle of evangelical Christians cheerleading...


Do we need government to referee all of our property disputes? Throughout history, people have peacefully resolved disputes without the help of state authorities.


Progressives claim that profits are an unjust transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. In reality, entrepreneurs earn profits by directing resources...


Progressive historians, journalists, and politicians claim that the Industrial Revolution and the growth of industry brought poverty and exploitation to American workers. The truth...


Mark discusses Ludwig von Mises’s important contributions to free trade theory.


Artificial intelligence has much to contribute as a consumption good and a producer’s good. However, there also are limitations in what AI can do,...


Grover Cleveland, who was pro-gold, anti-tariff, and anti-imperialist, was the last American president in the Jefferson/Andrew Jackson/John Tyler tradition.


What were Abraham Lincoln’s religious beliefs? Not what most Americans would think. While a scoffer for much of his life, his wartime speeches spoke...

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